For the academic year 2022-23 we have reviewed our home learning procedures and pupil engagement expectations in response to a sudden need to provide remote education for our children
A child is ill with COVID 19 and is unwell
If a child is unwell we do not expect them to complete school work and normal absence management procedures will be followed. No work will be sent home/linked to Seesaw
A child is ill with COVID 19 and is well.
Within 24 hours of notifying school that a child is ill or isolating, learning will be sent home via the Seesaw app. Children are expected to complete these activities and they will be responded to at the end of the school day by the class teacher. New learning will be set regularly. We will try as much as possible to link this work with the curriculum being delivered in school so that children do not miss too much of the taught curriculum. For older children they may join lesons remotely using the Microsoft TEAMS platform. Children will be set work in line with the expected outcomes for the school day.
3. A bubble/school needs to close due to COVID 19 Risk Assessment
Class teachers will set home learning and will communicate daily with children via TEAMS and the Seesaw app regarding the learning activities for that day. Children are expected to attend a registration session with the teacher at the start of the morning and afteroon sessions and to complete their learning within the school working day.
Teachers will respond to children via Seesaw and will communicate with parents via Marvellous Me if required. In this eventuality further and more detailed information will be sent directly to parents with regard to the school remote learning arrangements.
What should I do if I am having trouble accessing the internet or a suitable device for my child to work on?
In the case of internet failure, it is important that school knows as soon as possible and we will provide your child with alternative tasks for completion. As soon as your connectivity problems are resolved, it is important that your child logs on to Seesaw and upload photographs of the work that they have completed.
If you are having trouble accessing a suitable device to work on or several children in the family are required to share devices, please contact school to explain the situation. We may be in a position to offer you a temporary loan of equipment to support your child.
Please see below details of our remote education policy and information for parents regarding our home learning expectations.