Intent: This is what we want for your child.

At Barley Fields, we aim to inspire a love of physical activity for every child and we are committed to ensuring that our children lead healthy and active lifestyles with positive attitudes that go beyond their school years. We want our children’s experience of PE to be exciting, motivating and fun, creating lifelong happy memories.  At Barley Fields, we celebrate sporting success within school and recognise local and national sporting role models as we empower our children to strive for sporting excellence, become successful leaders or confident officials.

We strive to provide a curriculum that develop children’s physical literacy and enhances their physical skills, promotes social and emotional development and deepens their knowledge and understanding of a variety of sporting disciplines. Through our PE curriculum we want our children to develop core transferable life skills such as: resilience, respect, teamwork, leadership and determination. These principles are in line with our growth mind-set ethos and are linked to the School Games core values. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies, with our children’s well-being at the heart of everything we do.  We are committed to listening to our children’s wants and needs and provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs both in school and through links with our wider community.

Implementation: This is what it will look like in the classroom

Our children follow a unique and progressive PE curriculum that supports their physical development, allows them to engage in competitive sports and activities and promotes healthy and active lifestyles from Early Years to Year 6. 

We follow a carefully structured and rigorous PE curriculum that is supported by Complete PE guidance. Our curriculum is tailored to meet our children’s needs and provides a comprehensive framework, aligned with the National Curriculum, to ensure children know more; do more and remember more as they progress through school.

Our curriculum is taught across seven main sporting strands:

  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Athletics
  • Games
  • Swimming
  • Health Related Exercise
  • Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Through our curriculum and the seven sporting strands, we embed children’s physical, social, cognitive and emotional elements of development through progressive sequences of learning. In the Early Years, children’s physical development is of high importance and is a prime area of the Early Years Statutory Framework.  Children have daily opportunities to develop their gross and fine motor skills through play and experiences aimed at developing strength, co-ordination and positional awareness.  Throughout Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, we organise learning in PE through skills progression in each sporting strand. This enables our children to develop new skills and build upon them by following structured units throughout each phase. Our curriculum is ‘skills rich’ with a clear pathway to develop each individual to their maximum potential as we recognise that all children can achieve in sport. 

All children enjoy 2 hours of structured PE a week.  A large proportion of our PE curriculum is delivered by qualified teachers specialising in PE and sport coaches who are specialists in their fields. Our teaching and learning in PE is adaptive, interactive and practical which provides children with opportunities to be creative, competitive, co-operative and to face challenges as individuals and in small groups or teams. The teaching of PE is enhanced through the use of carefully selected PE equipment and is delivered across a range of both outdoor and indoor facilities.

To increase opportunities and inspire children to be active, we enrich our PE curriculum with sporting activities after school and during lunchtimes. We work closely alongside the local School Sports Partnership and our children are given regular opportunities to engage in sports festivals, intra, and inter school competitions.

Our curriculum character is designed to represent the expected PE curriculum end-points in each key stage.  These end-points are written in a child-friendly way and are shared regularly with the children to identify the core skills and knowledge needed to develop in physical activity and sport.  The curriculum character for PE is ‘PE Peter’, whose image and skill-set grows with the children as they move through school.  Teachers use ‘PE Peter’ as a reference point for children to show what they should be able to do in PE in each key phase. 

We are proud to offer a PE curriculum informed by the latest research and which undergoes regular reviews and updates to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.  We are committed to offering our children a PE curriculum that ensures they develop to lead active and healthy lifestyles as well as opportunities to compete and excel in sport. 

Impact: This is what it will mean for our children.

At Barley Fields, PE; School Sport; and Physical Activity are woven into the fabric of daily life- fostering holistic development and a lifelong love for being active. Children will understand that PE is vital in developing many transferrable life skills needed for their future. Children will have a positive view of PE due to learning experiences where growth mind-set is at the heart of learning.

Our PE curriculum leads to children who:

  • Have fun and experience success in sport
  • Lead healthy and active lives, picking up positive habits for their future lives.
  • Can join in at their own level of sporting development
  • Experience positive, healthy competition
  • Develop excellent sporting attitudes
  • Feel inspired to join in extra-curricular sporting activities and develop community and club links
  • Have opportunities to compete in games and activities as part of a collaborative team.

We are proud of our children’s development of skills in PE which in turn leads to excellent attainment outcomes. 

PE Long Term Scheme of Learning
PE Curriculum Pathway
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