At Barley Fields Primary children have several options during the lunch period; school lunch, packed lunch or home lunch.
School Meals
School Meals are cooked daily on the premises and we operate a ‘wrist Band pre-choice menu’. This means that children staying for school lunch must select their lunch choice from a given selection in advance. Each day the lunch menu will offer a range of foods including meat, vegetarian and cold options. Children will be allocated a coloured wrist band which they will present to the school lunch staff and will then be served their appropriate choice. There are also a selection of desserts for children to choose from each day.
At present the cost of school meals is £3.10 per day (£15.50 weekly) but all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal as part of the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Payment for school meals must be made through IRIS Plus Pay – for details how to access this please contact the school office.
A copy of the lunch menu is available on the school website and will be sent home termly. Additional copies can be obtained from the entrance to the main school office.
Packed Lunches

Parents may prefer their child to have a packed lunch. This should be in a rigid plastic container or lunch box carrier and must be clearly marked with your child’s name. We have a school policy offering guidance on the content of packed lunches available on the school website but we strongly request that no glass bottles, canned drinks, sweets, fizzy drinks, nuts or chocolate are included in packed lunches.
Home Lunches
Children who go home for lunch must be collected by an adult from the main school office at the start of their lunch period. They should be collected by an adult and returned to school via the main school office five minutes prior to the start of their afternoon session.
Changing Options
If your child wishes to change from school lunch to packed lunch and vice-versa, we require two weeks’ notice in writing from you to the school administrator. This is essential as the Cook orders provision in advance and major changes to lunch numbers can affect the kitchen staffing arrangements.
Snacks during the day
We encourage all children to drink plain water during the day. We will provide all new starters with a water bottle for this purpose. Only plain water may be drunk by children during the school day. In addition a piece of fruit is provided for all children in EYFS and KS1 daily. Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring into school their own healthy snack such as of fruit or a cereal bar to eat at playtime.