At Barley Fields, we believe that ‘Every School Day Counts’ and all children are expected to attend school unless they are too ill to do so. Our attendance procedures are in place to safeguard children by ensuring that they attend school regularly and when they do not attend, school is aware of the reason for absence. By law parents/carers are required to ensure that their children of compulsory school age, are registered at school and attend regularly.
As a Rights Respecting School, the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child is fundamental to our effective practice. Implementation of this policy supports Article 28: Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child.
Children are expected to attend school for the full academic year, unless there is a valid reason for absence. There are two types of absence:
- Authorised (where the school approves pupil absence)
- Unauthorised (where the school does not approve absence)
Regular school attendance is vital not only for children’s academic success but also for their personal, social and emotional development. Research has shown that children with good school attendance build up stronger friendship groups and are happy learners and this is why attendance in school every day is our school priority.

Whole school and individual pupil attendance is regularly monitored by Mr Shildrick (Deputy Head Teacher) and our Welfare Officer. When attendance in school falls to a level of concern this team will quickly inform, liaise with and work proactively with parents to address all issues. If you are worried about your child’s attendance please make an appointment to speak with a member of the team who are here to help.
The school has clear policy and procedure for monitoring attendance and dealing with absence. Our Policy and procedures are ratified annually by the school Governing Body. Please click on the link below to view our policy.