We aim, as a school, to produce a safe and secure environment where all can learn without anxiety and where there is mutual respect for other people and the environment. We are committed to promoting respect and equality across all protected characteristics, including sexual orientation and gender identity, and preparing pupils for life in diverse 21st Century Britain.
We tackle discrimination quickly and firmly and aim to make equality of opportunity a reality for our children. We recognise and pay attention to the different groups of children within our school:
- Males and females
- Children with different sexual orientations and gender identities (including LGBT);
- Minority ethnic and faith groups
- Children with English as an additional language
- Children with special educational needs
- Children with a disability
- Gifted and Talented children
- Children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion.
- To ensure that all children have equal access to a rich, broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
- To promote equality of opportunity by ensuring that teaching, learning and the curriculum promote equality, celebrate diversity, promote cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs between ethnic groups in our school family.
- To promote community cohesion by fostering positive relations between all groups.
- To eliminate any discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- To ensure that no-one is unfairly or illegally disadvantaged as a consequence of their age, disability, gender, gender-identity, sexual orientation, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, disability or religious beliefs.
- To recognise and celebrate diversity within our community whilst promoting community cohesion. To ensure that this policy is applied to all we do.
- To ensure that pupils and parents are fully involved in the provision made by the school.
- To ensure that within the school budget, adequate funding is provided to underpin this policy and that intervention, positive and preventative action is funded where necessary.
Our Single Equality Policy below summarises the school’s approach in ensuring equality for all.
Equality Policy 2021