Intent: What we want for your child.

At Barley Fields Primary School, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lies within our PSHE curriculum and is taught by class teachers as direct teaching and is supported by teaching objectives from the Science curriculum.  We feel it is an important part of children’s education to help them to understand how they are developing emotionally and physically as well as have a good understanding of healthy relationships with others. 

All teaching in the RSE curriculum is appropriate for our children based on their:

  • Age
  • Physical and emotional maturity
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Special educational needs and/or disabilities

Implementation: This is what it will look like in the classroom.

Our RSE Curriculum has been designed using the CWP scheme as a basis and follows a sequence of teaching blocks that progressively build upon one another and link to themes in the PSHE curriculum as children move through school.  We have written our curriculum not only within the Government guidelines, but also considering the needs, maturity and experiences of our pupils. 

Across the school the children follow a planned programme of key curriculum themes:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe – Healthy Relationships
  • Sex Education – puberty and knowledge of the human lifecycle

Children will explore these key themes in practical and engaging lessons and will be encouraged to question, share their understandings and talk about concerns and worries within a safe and supportive environment.  Lessons will be led by class teachers and will be taught in discrete blocks when appropriate.

Impact: This is what it will mean for our children.

Pupil voice is used in forming our curriculum, and we are currently looking at enhancing the children’s awareness of diversity.   Many aspects of RSE are intrinsically linked to PSHE and to the school ethos and aims with our Rights Respecting schools, growth mind-set and Global Goals agenda’s. 

Our key priority is to ensure children have the knowledge, understanding and skills to help them make informed and safe judgements about themselves and their relationships with others.

Full details of the content of our RSE curriculum and school policy for RSE can be viewed below.

Relationships and Sex Education - Scheme of Learning
Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum Pathway
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