We have a school uniform that is worn by children from Nursery to Year Six. Our children are proud to belong to the school community and value the identity that the uniform provides. The uniform is intended to be smart, practical and economical and adds to the sense of family and belonging we have in our school. We expect all children to be neat and tidy and to take pride in their appearance.
Our uniform consists of:
- Navy blue jumpers or cardigans embroidered with the school logo;
- Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers;
- White shirt/blouse;
- School tie, navy blue and red
- School fleeces/raincoats embroidered with the school logo
- Flat, black sensible shoes preferably with Velcro fastenings for younger children. Trainers and open toed/heeled sandals are NOT allowed.
- Red gingham summer dresses or shorts may be worn during the summer term and the first part of the autumn term.
- Jewellery is not permitted.
- Children’s hair should be their natural colour and not an extreme style/cut.
- No large hair bows or adornments
On P.E. days children are expected to attend school in their school, PE kit. This kit should include:
- plain navy shorts
- white T-Shirt
- navy tracksuit bottoms and jacket/hoodie
- trainers or plimsolls
The majority of school uniform items may be purchased from local school uniform suppliers, clothing shops and supermarkets.
Key items of school uniform bearing the school logo such as; jumpers, cardigans, ties, fleeces, tracksuits, t-shirts, book bags, PE bags and caps may be purchased from our school uniform suppliers Elizabeth’s Embroidery or Motif8. Parents may, if they wish, also use the service to have their children’s initials embroidered onto the uniform for a small extra charge.
We would ask that all items of uniform/school wear be clearly labeled with your child’s name to avoid any unnecessary upset or confusion.
Children participating in after-school sporting activities should bring in a separate kit for their activity including additional footwear.
For safety and security reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery of any description for school (e.g. ear-rings, necklaces, rings, bracelets). Children who inadvertently wear jewellery will be asked to remove it and give it to the teacher for safe keeping until the end of the day.
Children with pierced ears may wear one small stud in each ear (not loops or dangling) which must be removed for PE and swimming by the child him/herself. Young children who are not able to manage this should therefore not wear ear studs.
If a parent considers it necessary to allow their child to have their ears pierced for the first time we respectfully request that this is done at the start of the six weeks holiday. This will ensure that they are fully healed for return to school in September. Earrings permitted in school are one pair of small stud ear-rings, which must be removed for P.E. Children with newly pierced ears who have been advised not to remove their ear studs for a number of weeks will need to place a small piece of sticking plaster – which they must provide – over the ear stud prior to taking part in PE activities.
Watches may be worn by the older children (Y3 to Y6), though children will be personally responsible for their care and security.

School Pre Loved Uniform Shop
Given the expense of school uniform and the fact that children grow so quickly, we have established a pre-loved uniform shop in school. This means that should parents require new uniform items such as ties, jumpers, cardigans and tank tops mid-year they can purchase pre-loved ones from the school office for a small donation. This shop is also available periodically on the school yard. Please ask at the school office for more information.