At Barley Fields Primary we are extremely proud of the outstanding behaviour and attitude consistently demonstrated by our children.
Our school is a happy place with a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our shared approach to behaviour management helps create a calm, positive learning environment in which all children can feel safe, happy and valued and in which teachers can teach and children can learn.
The school has three central aims in its approach to behaviour:
- To promote high expectations for standards of behaviour;
- To set clear, consistent rules and guidelines concerning acceptable behaviour;
- To involve staff, children, parents and governors in promoting high standards of behaviour.
From the earliest years, we encourage children to take responsibility for their actions, recognising the consequences of their behaviour. We aim to develop in our children self-discipline, a care and respect for self and others and a respect for personal property.
We regularly praise positive actions and appropriate behaviour in our children whenever possible. Of course, there are times when a child may behave in an inappropriate manner and every effort is then made to make the child aware of the need to remedy the situation through their own actions. If however, unacceptable behaviour persists then sanctions will be used to encourage the child to further consider the implication of their behaviour. If the behaviour is still of concern, parents will be invited to come into school by the class teacher to discuss the child’s difficulties and to work out a joint plan of action.
We do not tolerate bullying behaviour of any form at Barley Fields. Please encourage your child always to tell an adult or member of staff if they experience any form of bullying so that the matter can be dealt with quickly.
In support this we follow clear policy and procedure in managing pupil behaviour across the school.
Please click on the links below to view our Behaviour and Anti-Bulling polices.