“Our experience at Barley Fields Primary School as a family has been tremendous. We couldn’t have landed in better hands. Our little boy has thrived because of the support and guidance of the SENDCo and the amazing staff. They have supported our child in so many ways.
Going into school, we were very unsure and nervous about our child, how he would cope and if they could support his needs but every step of the way they guided us as a family and even educated myself and my husband on many levels. Through the daunting ECHP process, every step of the way they have worked closely with us.
The SENDCo team are passionate, patient, understanding & caring. This has made us feel so grateful to be part of Barley Fields. We will be forever grateful for the time and attention they’ve given/give our child as this has got him to where he is today.”
-Parent Feedback
At Barley Fields Primary School, we pride ourselves on providing a stimulating, nurturing and inclusive environment for our children to learn in. Our child-centred approach and desire to see children flourish is at the heart of everything we do. We strive to build strong relationships between children, families and professionals and believe that effective communication is a driving force to achieving positive outcomes and learning success. We are committed to working in partnership with all members of our school community and work collaboratively with a range of outside agencies to offer the best possible opportunities for our children.
We believe that all children have an equal right to a quality education that enables them to develop their personal, social and intellectual potential. We have a commitment to high standards and understand that our classroom practice should continually evolve to meet the needs of all learners.
Our central aim is that all children:
- become confident individuals living fulfilling lives as independently as possible;
- achieve their best;
- understand that learning is a life-long journey and overcoming challenge is part of the learning process;
- make a successful transition throughout their education and into adulthood;
Occasionally, children experience difficulties with learning or struggle with aspects of their general progress and development. These children may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Difficulties which may affect:
- Communication and Interaction Difficulties;
- Cognition and Learning Difficulties;
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties;
- Sensory/and or Physical Needs;
All SEND provision in our school is coordinated by a team of ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators’ (SENDCos). The SEND team liaise with parents, teaching staff and outside agencies to ensure the needs of individual children are met. These roles are assigned to:
- Miss R Johnson NASENCo Qualification – Early Years and Key Stage 1
- Mrs C Shildrick – Lower and Upper Key Stage 2
For full details of our Special Educational Needs provision please use the links attached to the bottom of this page. These include:
- SEN Information Report
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
- Inclusion Policy
- Accessibility Plan
- Complaints Policy
Alternatively, if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s individual needs or development oplease make an appointment to meet with a member of our SENDCo team via the main school office.
For further information about SEND support in our local area please click the link below to access Stockton-On-Tees’ Local Offer.

Stockton Borough Council Local Offer
Arrangements for considering complaints about Special Educational provision within the school.
- Initial problems should be addressed by the class teacher and Key Stage Leader. A meeting with parents should be held to discuss the problem or concern.
- Depending on the outcome of this meeting, a referral to the SENDCO or Head Teacher should be made following the school complaints procedure.