Dear Parent/Carer,

Whether you are a visitor, parent/carer or pupil, we hope that you will find a warm welcome here at Barley Fields Primary School.  Our aim is to provide a safe, supportive and challenging environment where everybody has the opportunity to reach their full potential as learners.  We believe that this can only be achieved if a child feels happy and secure, and our staff work hard to provide this environment for our pupils.

We believe in high standards of education and behaviour.   We offer high standards of teaching and will strive to achieve excellence in all aspects of school life. We are deeply committed to working with parents to help children achieve to the best of their ability and will seek to work in partnership from the very beginning of your child’s time here. I encourage all parents to talk to either the teaching staff or to me should they have any concerns relating to the education or well being of their child. 

Classrooms are grouped around four central shared areas, each providing a working base for children in the Early Years, Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two and Upper Key Stage Two. We also have an IT Suite, Library Area and Studio.  We have a dining hall adjacent to the school kitchen and a large school hall available for P.E., assemblies and out of hour’s activities.

Externally we have a large school field, MUGA, hard playing surfaces and adequate grassed areas for general play at break and lunchtimes. We also have a separate Early Years play area and garden. The site is completely fenced providing secure grounds for the children.

In addition we work in partnership with two external, separately managed, providers.  Ryandale and Mrs B’s Children’s Club who provide wraparound care/play group for 2-4 year olds and breakfast, after school and holiday care for children aged 3-11.

We hope you find our website helpful. However, the best way to learn about the school is to visit us and see for yourself.  Please feel free to make an appointment with our school administrator if you would like to learn more.

I look forward to meeting you in the near future,

Yours sincerely,

Caroline Taylor

Head Teacher

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